Why some people don’t want help

When we are out networking we tend to offer our help where we think it’s needed. I don’t mean by trying to sell; most of us know better than that. However generally we try to connect people, to make suggestions, to offer an introduction if we see that person’s business might have a synergy with another. We will not be turned down. Even if the suggestion does not come to fruition, most open networkers will give it a go.

It is difficult to switch off our general helpful natures, and if we meet business people who are not experienced networkers, or in our leisure time, we will still offer help where we can. As networkers we tend to know more people, so we are in a position to do so; we ourselves may even be able to help.

The strange thing is that sometimes we will just be turned down flat. Some people will not want their territory invaded; many people are private, both about their business and their personal lives.

We do not need our enthusiasm to get in the way and stop us feeling their emotion. We need to learn to back off and let them deal with their affairs in their own way, and we must not take it personally. It may be their loss, but it takes all sorts. We must respect their wishes.

© Jon Stow 2010

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