Banking on being individual

In a discussion I was having with my bank’s call centre the other day I was complaining about an unreasonable charge for a payment made to my account. When I said I had been charged for something which had not cost the bank anything to do, I was told that apparently their right to take the charge was explained in my Terms and Conditions.

Of course I did not have the T and Cs in front of me to argue, but I asked if my call centre lady did not have some discretion over the charges. She said that it wouldn’t be fair to the other customers if I had special treatment.

That really summed up the situation when small customers are dealing with large corporates. I had enough trouble with the telecoms company which simply didn’t care about my business or me or our contract.

Do you treat all your customers or clients the same? We don’t have to! What we must do is treat them all fairly. Small business customers all have different needs. It is our job to meet those needs and over-deliver because that’s what makes us different. And that’s what brings us recommendations and more business. When did you last hear someone recommending one of the big banks?

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2 Responses to Banking on being individual

  1. TaxTeddy says:

    I think it’s a good point Jon. As Bill Bryson once wrote –
    * you can’t make the waiter see you until he’s ready to
    * you can’t beat the phone company
    * you can’t go back home.

    Not sure about the last on – but he’s right about the other two!

  2. Jon Stow says:

    Yes, it’s frustrating. But I did beat the phone company eventually. Except for the cost of my time. Thanks!

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