I guess we all have memories of matters we could have handed differently. Should I have gone to that college? Should I have tried harder with that girlfriend and might I have married her? Should I have chosen that career? Should I have taken that job?
The truth is that we will never know the answers to those questions, so there is no point in having regrets. We had an education, we may well be in a happy relationship now, we have made the best of our career and have probably been successful. What is there to regret? We must have learned lessons along the way.
Each time we chose a path, we did not know where it would lead, or where we would have ended up if we had gone the other way.
I have made many mistakes in business. I have wasted money on advertising. I was once scammed out of some money by a bogus “magazine publisher”. I did not accept offers of help when I should. I misjudged a client who never paid me all he owed, and it was quite a lot too.
We have to take our mistakes on the chin. As long as we learned a lesson each time, we have gained in experience and will know better next time.
It is no good beating ourselves up. Lessons learned are profitable and lead to more profits for our business by avoiding mistakes in future.
You don’t have any regrets, do you?