Some things for the long weekend

Weekend in the sun (edited with PicMonkey)

Weekend in the sun (edited with PicMonkey)

Have you tried Zemanta when blogging or managing your on-line content? It helps find your own related content and images as well as articles and blog posts from other people which will add value to your writing. It will also connect you to those other writers who may feel complimented by your interest and remember you well. It will help you build your community and gain helpful links back (but don’t ask).

A very handy post on the Zemanta blog highlights a long list of content marketing tools. I have not tried them all and have my reservations about the continuing usefulness of Google Alerts, but as they say, suck it and see.

Then there is a further list of tools used by on-line luminaries. The only one I use currently is Buffer, and probably not enough, but I am working on it. I will try the others, but not over the weekend if it is sunny.

Finally, there is PicMonkey, a free way of editing images for your blog without downloading any software, brought to my attention by and then by Jim Connolly.  PicMonkey is mainly free, but often it is useful to pay for extras, and after all, that is how they make their money.

Good luck with your research on these useful tools. Maybe we can share experiences. Have you tried any of these, and how did you get on?


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2 Responses to Some things for the long weekend

  1. Jon – Thanks for the link to my Zemanta post! You listed some great info here. I’m a big fan of PicMonkey and Zemanta. I also think the RSS reader – Feedly – is a great way to find blog topics. Will have to check out Buffer. Cheers 🙂

  2. Jon Stow says:

    Thanks very much, Matthew. Feedly looks really useful for all of us who have used Google Reader up to now. We do have to keep up not just with new developments but with tools which are being discontinued, which otherwise could easily disappear without our noticing until our visitor statistics fall off. Your post is excellent.

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