I met a very go-ahead sort of guy recently, who needed my immediate help. In the longer term I felt that one of my business friend’s offerings would be a better fit. I told my client of my recommendation, spoke to my friend, and introduced them by email, giving them each the other’s contact details.
My business friend then sent my client an email listing his businesses generic services. “We can offer… etc.”
Goodness me! I give my friend a new client “on a plate” and instead of taking the initiative, telephoning and introducing himself, and proposing a meeting, he gives a rather dusty impression, writes a boring email and sounds like everyone else.
I telephoned my friend and asked “Have you spoken yet?” The reply? “No, but I will later in the week”. That is probably too late
I made the introduction because I know my friend is good and well up to looking after this client. However, the only way to make an impression is by introducing oneself confidently and quickly after getting the referral, and by explaining to the hot but rapidly cooling prospect how much better she or he will be by engaging us and allowing us to take the stress.
First impressions really do count. We must not make a mess of them.